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East Hampton Education Association
Executive Board
President: Neil Shilansky
Vice President: Kristen Keska
Recording Secretary: Mary Sawyer
Corresponding Secretary: Pam Penn
Treasurer: Neil Shilansky
Assistant Treasurer: Sandi Warshaw
Negotiations Chair: Parker Strong
Building Representatives:
EHHS - Building Representative Parker Strong & Assistant Building Representative Andrea Guiliano
EHMS - Co-Building Representatives Pam Penn & Jonathan Searles
Center - Co- Building Representatives Mary Sawyer & Carrie Benigni
Memorial - Co-Building Representatives Laurie Degross & Heather Vigue
Appointed Positions:
Membership: Kristen Keska
Website: Carolanne Vining
Newsletter: Katie Tietjien
Professional Development and Evaluation: Regina DellaVolpe and Carrie Benigni
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